Endometriosis Post Op Cart

bed side endo cart post op.jpg

Help me create a cart!

A few days post surgery while walking back to my bed from the kitchen, holding a glass of water and a magnesium pack to heIp me have a bowel movement(if you’ve had this surgery you know how hard this issss), the idea came to fruition. Some hours later when I had a burst of energy and after bugging my husband to grab a few things, I hopped up and put together the cart. It took all my energy but it felt good to have everything I needed near my bedside and be less of a burden to my husband. 

It’s crazy actually, not long before surgery a friend was getting rid of this cart and happened to ask if I wanted it and without hesitation, I was like sure! I’ll find something to do with it. I thought of a cool bar cart, something to have outside with plants and succulents, or a cart that holds all my yummy treats. It started as a bar cart but i didn’t like how it looked and we don’t have liquor just sitting around, so it wasn’t for us. I didn’t want it to rust outside and the treats were visible and made me eat more than necessary soooo nope.

Synchronicity baby, my friend just knew I'd need it. Thank you friend! <3

Items to consider for your endo cart (in no particular order): (photos below)

  • Cart of your choice (mine I believe is from IKEA, simple, but sturdy and functional.)

  • A small basket (for smaller items)

  • Folder Rack (shown in photo - silver thing)

  • Medications

  • Hair ties, headband

  • Dry shampoo (can’t shower for a few days due to incisions - wash hair day before operation)

  • Hydrating lip balm/mask

  • Deodorant

  • Thermometer (smart post surgery to check your temp (infections) & COVID times)

  • Light switches, window blinds clicker, TV remote

  • Laptop, Ipad, charger

  • Chinese medicine balls (meditation, boredom, and to connect back with your body) or a fidget item of your choice

  • Lotion (for dry skin and for connecting back with your body)

  • Face masks (COVID TIMES)

  • Pieces of candy (in case of a blood sugar drop)

  • Ricolas, mints, or gum

  • Heating pad (helped tremendously with gas and overall comfort)

  • Tissues

  • Sweater, warm fuzzy socks, cardigan

  • Body spray

  • Essential Oils

  • Glasses

  • Books, Magazines

  • A Journal, a pen

  • Headphones

You could put your hygiene product in the cart as well, such as the large pads you’ll have to wear post op due to bleeding but probably better to store them near your toilet. :)

Thermometer explained, I was probably a bit overboard by I checked my temperature twice a day for like 3 weeks. 1, i had to have a colonoscopy 2 days prior to surgery, 2, because it’s possible to get an infection post surgery and 3, I had the procedure done around 6 months into the COVID pandemic and I stayed 3 days - 2 nights at the hospital. Never can be too careful.

Simple and quick post but I hope you enjoy this idea and if you go and create a cart for your medical recovery, I’d love to see! Feel free to message me directly on instagram! IG: @Kelliembecker or comment/share photo below. 

I hope you have a speedy recovery love!

Much love,

Kellie Mae

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