Word of the Year: 2019

Brave & Impact

I rumbled with what my words for 2019 should be for a little while, and wanted to officially decide in February. A routine I'll continue as the years come.

I kept my mind open and eyes peeled, listening to the universe and diving deep into my thoughts and desires. Messages came during tough moments and in times of flow. I recognized in those moments that I needed to really pay attention and listen. I chose two words this year. Check them out below. 👇👇👇


While I felt this energy and push towards these words and everything that stands behind it, once I officially decided on them, like I shared above, everything shifted. I was more in tune with everything around me and how it was impacting me. I began to see the word brave everywhere. Even in places I found myself being anxious. I felt anxious on a tram headed to see my hubs so I distracted myself with my phone. As I scrolled through my notes (journaling or just moments of word vomit) I came across my own words during a time of frustration to which i wrote: "I want to be brave during times of discomfort. To travel more and not let fear hold me back. Kellie, be fucking brave." It was this whisper telling me, everything is okay.

Its crazy how once you've identified something and you really want it, your world shifts to make it happen. Simple reminders show up just when you need them. Things happen around you reminding you that you are on the right path. Have you experienced this too?!

So with brave and impact:

In what situations or encounters can I BE brave or step outside my comfort zone? Maybe push past my set of belief of boundaries? We truly are capable of more than we think. How can I begin to live my life BRAVE(ly) and not lead with fear?

In a way, what I shared above with Becky helping me feel freed, was brave. Something I had kept to myself and never shared because of so much quilt and shame surrounding it. I remember being so scared. Another person was in the room during my disclosure and both provided comfort and care. I felt so vulnerable and exposed yet they still looked at me like I was a person. I remember being in this fragile state. But, my outlook was not the true story. She helped me see the real image. The truth.


I chose the word impact because it kept coming to me over and over. How I would write material in hopes to share with others one day. To impact others. I've also began to notice how others can impact me. Things I am doing that are impacting me for the better.

To list a few things I can see happening this year(2019):

  • Travel alone

  • Learn German

  • Attend workshops

  • Get involved in groups

  • Publish more of my writings

  • Take bigger steps towards goals

That all said, I know a true journey is happening with this years focus of brave and impact. I can feel it and it's already started.

Did you select a word for the year? Let's chat!

-Kellie Mae