Word of the year Reflections: 2019

Brave & Impact

To read more about how I chose these two words, read my last blog, here.

19 for 2019: lessons, insights & reflections, joy, gratitude & healing, things I learned this year or reminders that came up again. I’ll expand on some of them. A few are pretty obvious.

1. Being brave means a lot of things and can look different for everyone

I took some brave steps towards personal goals. Started talking about trauma and foster care on my social media. Connecting more with my truth. I got myself into large crowds despite my anxiety. Took public transpiration more. These things were brave for me and they may be different for you.

2. Friendships can only come if you are open to receive

This year felt like a breaking of old thought patterns surrounding relationship and if I’m “allowed” to have them. Growing up my life consisted most of school and home life. My father controlled us a lot and made us stay at home and a lot of the times stuck in our room. In high school and college, I had a few friends here and there but I focused on work and school. This was the year that I finally pieced together that you can have a life of play too. Partly because of that It kept me from building relationships with people.

3. Travel and exploring can do wonders for the soul

4. Sometimes the things that scare us can also be the things that bring us pure joy

I went to Tomorrowland a music festival with up to 400,000 people. This was so freaking scary to jump into but it was seriously the most fun I’ve ever had in my entire life.

5. When darkness comes it’s difficult to also see the light

I hit quite a few funks this year and it made me realize it so difficult to see the light during these times. Sometimes we want to stay there, sometimes we try to move from it.

6. Meltdowns can lead to awakenings

A little too deep to get into, maybe I’ll share later.

7. Surrender to the now, accept situations as they are, find the lessons

8. Embrace the concept that rest is crucial to our health

9. Continue to seek within to gain perspective and dissect to understand

10. We are never alone in this world, we just have to connect

11. Some structure and daily rituals can change a lot for the better

This helped me a lot to get into better routines and back into writing. I’m finding structure helps me more than I realized.

12. Gratitude and manifestation is magic

I kept a fairly consistent gratitude practice throughout the year, writing 3 things in the morning and it made a great impact on my days.

13. Joy does not need to come in crumbs

A friend helped me realize this. I have a tendency to let things get in my way of feeling joy and second guess my worth when good things come. Hello childhood trauma response. I’m constantly having to work on this.
14. We deserve and are worthy of everything we desire
15. We cannot help those who do not want to be helped
16. Embrace grief, it’s part of life, feel.

Lost someone this year. While it was an estranged relationship mixed with past trauma, It was still a heavy thing to go through.
17. Quit resisting to change, transitions are needed
18. Fear does not always need to take the lead
19. We are more resilient than we can even imagine


De-cluttering opens up the space to breathe
We can not only can impact people but others can impact us too

Which one is resonates with you? Is there something you learned this year you want to share? Drop a line below.

-Kellie Mae
