6 Grounding Practices to try today!

Recenter Into You

The most talked about grounding techniques are breathing and shifting your focus to your five senses but I’ve also added a few that have helped me over the years dealing with panic and anxiety. The real practice here is to shift from this unconscious, hypervigilant, stressed state to a conscious one using your mind and body. This has a powerful effect to recenter and ground you in the moment.


Try them out

  1. Slow and deep breaths. These are particularly important during times of panic because the dizziness you feel is directly correlated to not getting enough oxygen in your body. 

  2. Ask yourself what are two things I hear, see, smell, can touch, and taste. This helps you shift your consciousness using your mind and body to help you recenter.

  3. Connect each finger with your thumb and count 1,2,3,4. I’ve found it helps me focus on my breath and has the physical element of movement.

  4. Invision a goal of yours. Really put the context around it. This is a visualization and manifestation technique that can also help you in moments of stress. 

  5. Write down 3 things you are grateful for. Gratitude has been proven to help overpower stressful moments and have the psychological effect of helping you feel positive. 

  6. Savor a past positive experience by replaying it in your mind or even better pull out the photo or video of that experience. This has proven to have a positive effect on our well-being and increase overall positive emotions.

Each time a situation arises where these techniques can be applied and you actually apply them, it helps you the next time. It’s allowing you to consciously expand, grow, and be prepared.

I hope you find these helpful. Feel free to tag me on IG: @Kelliembecker if you want to share and I’ll share it, let’s create a community and connect with other like minded soulful people.

Much love,

Kellie Mae